Nathaniel Moran


Freshman Rep. Nathaniel Moran is a key supporter in advancing the U.S.-Israel relationship. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he cosponsored legislation that sanctions foreign ports and refineries that process Iranian petroleum. Moran also signed onto a letter urging the Biden administration to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and to make it clear to Tehran that further advancements in their program will lead to severe consequences. He has cosponsored a bill that extends restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missile program and backed a resolution creating a State Department envoy for the Abraham Accords.

“As an evangelical Christian, a freedom-loving Texan, and a sitting member of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, the events in Israel this past week are of utmost concern to me, but beyond that, they should concern every East Texan and, frankly, every member of humanity regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, gender, or political affiliation. Now is the time for us to be “all in” for our friend and greatest ally, Israel—not for friendship’s sake, but for freedom’s sake. And, for America’s sake. We cannot cower to powers in this world who are inspired by hate. But, to do this effectively, the U.S. must change its current course in foreign and military affairs.” - Congressman Moran