
“When Jews are targeted because of their beliefs or their identity, when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is antisemitism and is unacceptable. There’s NO place for antisemitism – full stop.”

Karine Jean-Pierre

White House Press Secretary

“I unequivocally stand with Israel as it rightly defends itself and condemn in the strongest possible terms the actions of Hamas – a terrorist organization that has long sought the destruction of the Jewish state.”

Ritchie Torres

Representative, D-NY-15

“Support for Israel has always been and will continue to be bipartisan due to our shared values and mutual security concerns.”

Nancy Pelosi

Former House Speaker, D-CA-11

“While Israel faces an existential threat from Iran and its proxies, it is also confronting a less conspicuous but growing threat: antisemitism… Protecting Israel and the Jewish community is critical. We must formally state with conviction, Never Again.”

Marsha Blackburn

Senator, R-TN

“Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East. 75 years after the country was founded, I’m proud to work closely with our Israeli partners to counter shared threats and work toward lasting peace, security, and stability in the region.”

Mark Kelly

Senator, D-AZ

“There is not a single country in the world that people would expect to take a terrorist attack laying down…except for Israel…Israel has a duty to protect and defend its citizens.”

Liz Rose

Jewish Influencer

“As its strongest and closest ally the United States must stand strongly with Israel as it defends itself against this act of aggression and I will work in the US Senate with my colleagues to ensure support for the Jewish State of Israel.”

Laphonza Butler

Senator, D-CA

“The relationship between the U.S. and Israel is critical to our country’s security, and serves as an example to countries all over the world of what democracy, partnership, and alliance for freedom can look like.”

Krysten Sinema

Senator, I-AZ

“In Israel, we have an ally on the front lines of the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation and an emboldened Iran. We have a partner who is developing cutting-edge solutions to our most complex challenges in medicine, climate change and cybersecurity. We have a friend who stands with America, helps create and support American jobs, and promotes our interests and values.”

Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator, D-NY

“When America is strong, Israel is stronger, and when Israel is strong, America is even more secure.”

Kevin Cramer

Senator, R-ND

“We reject hate, antisemitism and violence in all forms. And we have no tolerance for the forces of evil who are trying to tear our communities apart.”

Kathy Hochul

Governor of New York

“I remember my first trip here to Israel, nine years ago I came here to … understand more about our strategic partnership and democracy here in Israel … and I look forward to our continued partnership.”

Pete Aguilar

Representative, D-CA-33

“For Israel to be secure and for the Jewish people everywhere to be safe, we must stand up and fight back against antisemitism wherever and whenever we see it.”

Kamala Harris

Vice President of the United States

“The relationship between the United States and Israel is deeply important… We can continue to work together to protect the security of our nations and build greater stability in the Middle East.”

John Thune

Senate Minority Whip, R-SD

“Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East, and it deserves our full support both in words and in action.”

John Cornyn

Senator, R-TX

“The United States and Israel share a deep and longstanding friendship. Our nations understand the values of democracy, opportunity, and freedom. America’s relationship with Israel is stronger than ever.”

John Barrasso

Senator, R-WY

“As I said after the [Oct. 7] attack, my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, and the security of Israel, its right to exist as an independent Jewish state, is unshakeable.

Joe Biden

President of the United States

“The U.S. and Israel have an unbreakable bond and friendship. We will ALWAYS stand side by side with Israel.”

Lisa McClain

Representative, R-MI-09

“A strong and secure Israel is a vital pillar of the national security policy of America in the Middle East for mutual benefit of stability for all countries of the Middle East.”

Joe Wilson

Representative, R-SC-02

“If we remain united then the forces of freedom and democracy will always prevail. We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are equal.”

Kevin McCarthy

Former House Speaker, R-CA-20

“Over 75 years, Israel has emerged as not only a beacon of democracy, but also a leader of technologic, economic, and security, both in Israel and, of course, in great support to the United States.”

Josh Gottheimer

Representative, D-NJ-05

“Belittling or denying the Jewish experience, including unspeakable atrocities, is a vast and continuing catastrophe. Denying Israel the self-determination as a Jewish nation accorded unthinkingly to others is endemic, and evil.”

Rabbi David Wolpe

Rabbi and former Harvard Divinity School Professor

“…where do I begin? First let me start by saying how proud I am of how far we got. I’m honored and grateful for the privilege to represent my country especially during these trying times. For the moment we started this journey our goal has always been to share the strong voice of Israel on one of the biggest stages and I believe we accomplished just that.”

Eden Golan

Israel's Eurovision Representative

“To be ignorant is unfortunate, but to stay ignorant is morally irresponsible… what if we collectively decided to wage war against hate.”

Emmanuel Acho

Professional Athlete & Sports Analyst

“If it takes a member of Congress to force a university president to fire a pro-terrorist, antisemitic faculty chair, then Columbia University leadership is failing Jewish students and its academic mission. No amount of overlawyered, overprepped, and over-consulted testimony is going to cover up for failure to act.”

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

US House of Representatives

“To the Jewish community, you are my brothers and sisters. I am so sorry that I let you down. I am so sorry that you screamed about it for years and I didn’t hear you. I am so sorry I didn’t stand up with you. I am so sorry I pretended not to see the flagrant and hateful anti-semitism. But my eyes are open and I see you now. I hear you. I’m with you, and I promise to never let you down again.”

Elica Le Bon

Daughter of Iran, Artist, Activist, Attorney

It’s appalling the U.S. allowed passage of a resolution that fails to condemn Hamas. The UN has always been unwilling to condemn this group of terrorists, cowards and rapists. We must stand with Israel and stop pandering to the political fringe or Hamas apologists.

Senator John Fetterman

US Senator - PA

Music must always be our safe space — when that is violated, it strikes at the very core of who we are. On Oct. 7, we felt that again when we heard the tragic news from the Supernova Music Festival for Love, that over 360 music fans lost their lives, and another 40 were kidnapped.

Harvey Mason Jr.

CEO of The Recording Academy

“If anybody believes in the democratic process, they need to support Israel.”

Yuval David

Israeli-American Actor and Filmmaker

“Israelis were ecstatic [when Israel was made a state]. They went on to build a state that became … a leading innovator of life-saving technologies and one of the happiest places on earth to live.”

Yoni Leviatan

Musical Artist

“My mother always told me I would love Israel. It was such a beautiful experience. I felt so connected to the land. It truly solidified for me why I have to continue to speak up as a Zionist.”

Tova Ricardo


“I strongly condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas against Israel and extend my condolences to the innocent victims and their families. The United States is proud to stand with Israel.”

Joyce Beatty

Representative, D-OH-03

“Antisemitism has been called the “oldest form of hatred. Antisemitism has taken on a new form that has given the oldest hatred a renewed veneer of respectability. This is, in part, due to the troubling rise of anti-Zionism, which must be recognized for what it is: Antisemitism 2.0.”

Noa Tishby

Israeli Actress and Writer

“In a strong and proud America, we will always have the backs of our friends and, yes, we will take names of those who stand against us and our allies. The U.S.-Israel alliance is unbreakable because Israel’s values are American values.”

Nikki Haley

Former US Ambassador to the UN

“I believe that the enduring alliance between the State of Israel and the United States of America is more than a strategic alliance: it is a force for good in the world… No country or organization or individual should ever doubt this basic truth: A free and strong America will always stand with a free and strong Israel.”

Mitt Romney

Senator, R-UT

“Our relationship with Israel is the closest national security relationship of any country in the world.”

Mitch McConnell

Senate Minority Leader, R-KY

“House Republicans stand unequivocally with Israel and the Jewish people. History repeats itself when people stay silent. We will not stay silent.”

Steve Scalise

House Majority Leader, R-LA-01

“For 75 years, Israel has been and will continue to be our strongest and most important ally in the Middle East.”

Tom Emmer

House Majority Whip, R-MN-06

“For 75 years, Israel has been and remains our staunchest ally and a pivotal partner in the Middle East.”

Mike Lawler

Representative, R-NY-17

“The United States and Israel have been close friends and partners, working hand in hand on our shared priorities to keep our nations safe, secure, and prosperous.”

Michael McCaul

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, R-TX-10

“Israel and the U.S. enjoy an unbreakable bond that is forged with bilateral assistance and there are reasons we do that. They’re obviously our greatest ally in the Middle East and clearly one of our most important friends.”

Mike Johnson

House Speaker, R-LA-04

“Israel is the only Jewish state in the world. It’s the only place where Jews can expect that the Jewish religion is accommodated.”

Brooke Goldstein

Civil Rights Attorney

“The special relationship between the United States and Israel will endure. We are determined to make sure support for Israel in the Congress remains strongly bipartisan.”

Hakeem Jeffries

House Minority Leader, D-NY-08

“Let me be clear. When Jews are targeted because of their beliefs or identity, and when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is antisemitism. And it must be condemned and condemned unequivocally and without context.”

Doug Emhoff

Second Gentleman of the United States

“[Antisemitism] fuels the forms of hatred, discrimination, and bias, including discrimination against other religious minorities, racism, and anti-LGBTQ hate. Never has a society tolerated overt expressions of antisemitism and remained a democratic society.”

Deborah Lipstadt

Ambassador, U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism

“The United States is grateful to have such a strong partner and friend in the Middle East.”

Deb Fischer

Senator, R-NE

“For me, Zionism means freedom, home, Jewish roots and justice, others support Israel because of religious beliefs, lots of people found a ‘shelter’ from worldwide antisemitism here, non-Jewish people support Israel because they believe Jews deserve their own state and a safe place to live in.”

David Rebel-Mayofis

Israeli Digital Activist

“In the Middle East peace happens when Israel is perceived as strong and permanent and the United States has its back.”

David Brooks

NYT Columnist

“What they don’t understand is that Israel is the only country in the world with a 9/11 memorial that lists the names of every single person who was killed. Israel and America are allies. If you can’t grieve with Israel and Jewish Americans that makes you less American. Not us.”

Daniella Greenbaum Davis

Writer and Producer

“The United States and Israel share a history of strong cooperation on the basis of shared ideals and democratic principles and this bill sends a strong message that our partnership with Israel continues to endure.”

Cory Booker

Senator, D-NJ

“Am Yisrael Chai! The people of Israel live, and America stands in solidarity with them. We have Israel’s back, and the Senate will do everything possible to support our ally Israel.”

Chuck Schumer

Senate Majority Leader, D-NY

“Let me be clear: the U.S. stands with Israel, and I will continue working across the aisle to combat terrorism and bolster our alliance with our strongest ally.”

Catherine Cortez Masto

Senator, D-NV

“Israel and the United States stand together because we have and share the same values. We believe in democracy.”

Gregory Meeks

House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member, D-NY-05

“The United States and Israel enjoy an unbreakable bond that goes beyond a typical bilateral relationship between two allies.”

Bob Casey Jr.

Senator, D-PA

“We will protect our Jewish students from violence. If anti-Israel protests come, we will absolutely be ready to act if anyone dares to escalate beyond peaceful protest.”

Ben Sasse

University of Florida President

“I am a proud Zionist. Try as you might, you cannot sever the relationship between Jews and our indigenous land.”

Ben Freeman


“As a proud Jewish American and U.S. Senator, I have never felt more dedicated to countering all forms of hatred.”

Ben Cardin

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair, D-MD

“This is the only democracy in the Middle East, the only place that we know has actually given people dignity and respect and allowed them to serve in government.”

Alma Hernandez

Arizona State Representative

“Combating the rise in antisemitism on college campuses requires a sincere and massive effort by college leaders and members of the administration and faculty… And, of course, hate and its by-products, violence and terrorism, must be condemned immediately and without exception.”

Alan Kadish

Touro University President

“When Israel and the Jewish community are assaulted, American civil liberties and values like freedom of speech and freedom of religion are also being attacked.”

Adam Milstein

Israel-American Council

“I will always stand with our ally Israel and support the continued friendship between our two countries.”

David Valadao

Representative, R-CA-22

“I’m committed to an ironclad partnership with Israel. Both countries gain by our strong relationship. The state of Israel provides a safe haven for Jewish people all over the world who face rising antisemitism.”

Don Bacon

Representative, R-NE-02

“At a time of rising antisemitism and disturbing displays on our college campuses, it is more important than ever to support community outreach initiatives, provide learning opportunities for our students about the horrors of antisemitism, and enable security enhancement opportunities for our Jewish communities.”

Glenn Youngkin

Governor of Virginia

“For 75 years, the friendship between the United States and Israel has been rooted in our shared vision of a safe, secure future for the Jewish people.”

Katherine Clark

House Minority Whip, D-MA-05

“The United States will continue to unequivocally support the people of Israel as they defend themselves from the senseless acts of terrorism… We must do all we can to support our partner until the job is done.”

Jim Risch

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member, R-ID

“I lived and worked on a Kibbutz in Israel when I was 16 and I have loved our Jewish homeland ever since… We believe in justice, freedom and equality. We survive and flourish no matter what.”

Jerry Seinfeld

American Comedian and Actor

“Israel is America’s closes friend in the Middle East and she is a solid partner in research, strategic defense, and freedom. We have a unique relationship and a special bond among nations.”

James Lankford

Senator, R-OK

“The leaders of some of our nation’s top schools refused to acknowledge that calls for genocide against Jews are harassment. This lack of moral clarity fails their students. At a time when Jewish students are experiencing rising antisemitism, schools have a legal responsibility to protect their students.”

Jacky Rosen

Senator, D-NV

“Believing that Jews have a right to a homeland, just like everyone else, isn’t a controversial concept. It’s basic decency!”

Hen Mazzig

Israeli Writer

“I believe in Israel, in the existence of Israel, and I believe Israel has to go forward into the future, for the rest of eternity.”

Helen Mirren

British Actress

“Israel and the United States – Stronger Together.”

Hananya Naftali

Social Media Influencer

“Let me be clear: Texas stands with Israel, Israel’s right to defend itself, and with our Jewish neighbors here in Texas.”

Greg Abbott

Governor of Texas

“Our shared values have been the bedrock of an extraordinary relationship, along cultural, economic, technological, and security lines.”

Brad Schneider

Representative, D-IL-10

“I stand with Israel you should too. The world cannot sit on the fence when these horrific acts of terror are happening!”

Gal Gadot

Israeli Actor

“The truth is that on October 7, Israel was attacked brutally and unprovoked by Hamas, a vicious terrorist organization whose sole purpose is the entire elimination of every Jew on the planet.”

Francis Suarez

Mayor of Miami

“We will continue to be vigilant and protect the communities involved in general, but specifically the Jewish community, with every resource that’s necessary, because hatred and antisemitism would not take foothold in our city.”

Eric Adams

Mayor of New York City

“It’s as simple as that. There can be no peace if our enemies don’t recognize our state, our borders, our existence.”

Emmanuel Miller


“Jewish voters care about Israel because safety of the Jewish community is dependent on Israel. And the safety of America is also intrinsically connected to Israel.”

Elizabeth Savetsky

Internet Personality

“I, like the majority of Jews, support Israel’s existence. I’m a proud Zionist which means I support self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in our ancestral homeland of Israel.”

Eitan Bernath

American Celebrity Chef

“It is important we have this alliance and that we maintain that and be strong for them because they are indeed the beacon of hope for the Middle East.”

Doug LaMalfa

Representative, R-CA-01

“Israel is trying to do the right things with respect to building the country, building the economy, the Abraham Accords … but they have to be allowed from a security standpoint to protect themselves and their citizens.”

Glenn Ivey

Representative, D-MD-04

“A strong and enduring partnership between the United States and the State of Israel is paramount to our interests at home and abroad. Bipartisan support for Israel and a two-state solution promotes lasting peace and democracy in the Middle East.”

Haley Stevens

Representative, D-MI-11